The big question is what type of coverage provided in your credit card. Some offer basic services for help, while others are based on a medical evacuation program. Remember - the devil is always in the details !
These are questions about your travel insurance coverage on your credit card.
A . What are the details? Always read the fine print. Remember: the big print giveth and the small print off!
Two. Who do I contact if I get sick or injured and I need coverage? The last thing you want when you are in need of medical treatment and / or disposal of a voice message. Urgent need to speak to a real person who specializes in their concerns, and not someone in the company who knows how to cancel a stolen credit card .
Three. Do I know the amount of coverage you need? This is essential, because the credit card companies are not in the business of international health insurance. Using a well known health insurance brokerage that specializes in insurance plans abroad will give you the much needed peace of mind.
April. Who pays for my health care bills? Ask your credit card company if they pay their bills in advance or if they pay later. Remember, medical personnel abroad will not wait until your credit card company pays. The evacuation equipment and medical personnel abroad want their money when the service is provided!
May My credit card company offers me the best hospitals and doctors? By going with a plan reputable travel in the short term, he sent to hospitals / medical centers available. An international insurance company, we work with a hospital in China ignored and removed a patient in Thailand so they can receive medical care of high quality. They did it despite the additional cost to the insurance company. Your credit card company do for you?
6 . Will I have to pay a deductible profit from my credit card? It is not expected to have deductibles and some with franchises. Our evacuation plans have no deductible or copayment.
7 . Health problems will be covered my pre - existing? With travel insurance, the short answer is yes. There is good news especially for older travelers.
8 . Cover my credit card from my mortal remains to the United States and pay for the bureaucracy and paperwork of the government? Our international health plans are not spending money for your beloved. Most card companies credit, even when it is offered, providing medical coverage and limited evacuation. Medical evacuation is often a ceiling of $ 20,000 or less, and health care is limited to $ 10,000. Note that the cost of medical evacuation of Brazil at the Mayo Clinic in Florida is $ 26,000, and it is not a serious emergency. Another customer in 2009 was evacuated from Algeria to Italy at a cost of $ 82,000. Medical evacuation is not always expensive, but there are very few outlets that are less than $ 20,000.
Peace of mind is what you get when you buy a travel plan of the brokerage specializing in health insurance travel abroad. Would you buy a pair of flip flops to run a 10k marathon? Would you buy a canoe to go to the Cayman Islands? Of course not ! What we want is the right amount and the right type of travel insurance coverage. The last thing you want to worry about how you will pay your medical bills while you are struggling to regain their health .